
Rosa’s story

It’s never too late to seek help for domestic abuse.

Rosa* was 69 when she separated from her husband. For 35 years he had verbally, emotionally and physically abused her. After he attacked and tried to kill her she reported him to the police. However, after being told by her family that to get divorced at her age was shameful, she withdrew the allegation. Her husband also physically abused their two severely disabled sons. They all lived in fear.

Camden Safety Net, our dedicated support service for residents suffering from domestic violence and abuse, intervened after our Adult Social Care team witnessed an instance of abuse. Rosa was assigned a case worker from the service in whom she gradually confided the extent of the abuse and how she feared for both her own and her children’s safety. Finally, with support, Rosa found the courage to leave her husband and the abusive situation.

Rosa says: “If Camden Safety Net had not (intervened), my children and I would have continued to endure abuse from him in silence. I feel sad that we are no longer together…but at the same time I feel relieved that my children and I no longer have to live in fear of violence and constant verbal abuse.”

Finding support

Stories such as Rosa’s remind us that domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any age and that it’s never too late to get help and support. Domestic abuse doesn’t have to just be physical. Controlling behaviour, such as constantly checking up on where someone is going and who they are speaking to, controlling access to money or medication, cutting someone off from friends and family, or constantly making them question their own judgment are all symptomatic of domestic abuse.

If you recognise any of these signs in your own relationship – whether with a partner or family member – or are worried about someone you know, talk to us. We’ll listen and talk you through your options. We’re here to support you in whatever decision you choose to make, whenever you’re ready to make it.

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*Name changed to protect identity