
Have your say on planning

We are consulting on our Statement of Community Involvement, which sets out how we will involve local people when we prepare our planning policies and consider planning applications.

The consultation also sets out our proposal to stop sending adjoining occupier letters for planning applications from 1 April 2016. This means that you would no longer receive a letter about a neighbour’s planning application. This change would save the Council £200,000 a year.

Information about planning applications would continue to be available on our website, in weekly adverts in the local paper and through new-look posters on lamp posts. We are improving our planning email alerts system, to make it even easier for residents to engage in the planning process.

The consultation runs until 20 January 2016 and comments can be made online at camden.gov.uk/sci. We will then consider all comments and an amended Statement of Community Involvement should be available in April 2016. 

Find out more about and have your say on the Revised Statement of Community Involvement 2015 web page