
Have your say on Camden’s Local Plan review

Residents, businesses, community groups, and visitors are invited to have their say on Camden’s Local Plan.

Camden has started a review of the Camden Local Plan 2017, the Council’s main planning document, which provides the framework for managing development in the borough.

Councillor Danny Beales, Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment

“This is your opportunity to help shape Camden’s planning policies.

“The Local Plan sets out our vision for future development in the borough and includes the planning policies to help achieve this.

“The Local Plan has a key role in securing new homes and employment premises, tackling climate change, shaping how our places look and feel, promoting inclusion, reducing inequality, enhancing the environment, and securing sustainable neighbourhoods for all.”

Councillor Danny Beales, Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment

The purpose of the review is to update our existing planning policies to ensure they are as effective as possible in achieving Camden’s priorities and addressing the issues we face.  

A number of significant things have happened since the current Local Plan was adopted in 2017 that need to be considered as part of the review. These include the publication of the Council’s new corporate strategy ‘We Make Camden’, changes to national planning policy and legislation, the adoption of a new London Plan and the Council’s declaration of a climate and ecological emergency.

The Council are keen to hear your views and understand how you think its policies can most effectively address key issues, such as climate change, the provision of affordable housing, the changing role of Camden’s high streets, housing delivery, job creation and economic development. This engagement will feed into the preparation of a draft updated Local Plan, which will be published for consultation in 2023.

You can share your views online via the council’s Commonplace website and can also email responses and comments to: [email protected]

Responses should be submitted by 5pm on the 13 January 2023.

  • The Council is also updating its Site Allocations Local Plan, which sets out its approach to sites where significant future housing and economic development is expected. We have carried out two rounds of consultation and engagement on a draft Site Allocations Local Plan in 2020 and 2021/22. All comments received have been considered and will inform the next draft of the site allocations, which will be progressed alongside the Local Plan review.