
Camden supports scheme to help Kickstart young people’s careers

Camden Council is calling on businesses to join the Kickstart Scheme to create job opportunities for young people struggling to get a foothold in London's hard-pressed job market.

Businesses in Camden are being encouraged to get involved in the Kickstart Scheme, a £2 billion Government initiative aiming to create thousands of six-month, paid work experience placements with employers. 

Jobs under this scheme will be open to 16 to 24 year olds in receipt of Universal Credit and who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

The Council is working closely with local employers to create roles and has committed to creating 200 placements across the Borough, 30 of which will be within the Council and paid at London Living Wage.

Cllr Danny Beales, Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities, Culture and an Inclusive Economy
Both businesses and young people have been hit really hard by this crisis. With this additional funding available, the Council is committed to doing everything we can to support them into good, well-paid and secure employment. There is a real risk of a lost generation - and we all have to do everything we can to prevent this. Our aim is to build on the Government's scheme and provide young people with high quality placements that equip them with the skills and experience needed for a better future.
Cllr Danny Beales, Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities, Culture and an Inclusive Economy
For Cockpit Arts and the makers that we house, the Kickstart Scheme offers a brilliant opportunity to support young people in our community. We’re excited to use Kickstart as a springboard for young people to find opportunities within the creative sector at this critical time.
A spokesperson for Cockpit Arts, leading studios for contemporary crafts
London’s job market has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. The Kickstart Scheme is a welcome opportunity to support unemployed Londoners in Camden into good quality jobs and to provide them with new skills that will help them to thrive in a fast-changing world.
Ben Rogers, Director of Centre for London

The Government will pay the salaries of young people in placements for 25 hours and at minimum wage. Employers can supplement hours and pay above the minimum required by the Government.

For each job placement, the Kickstart Scheme funding covers the following:

  • 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week
  • The associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions.

Meanwhile, Camden Council is encouraging local businesses to create an enhanced offer in the Borough, which will see employers commit to increase wages above national minimum wage to London Living Wage, wherever possible, and increase the number of hours above the minimum 25 required under the scheme.

There will also be an extra £1,500 of funding to support young people to build their experience and help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart Scheme funded job.

For more information head to or email [email protected] to get more information about supporting Camden’s push for at least 200 Kickstart places.