
Camden Council votes for staying in the EU

Use your vote in the EU referendum on 23 June

Camden’s councillors have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion that supports the UK’s continued membership of the European Union (EU). The motion received cross-party support.

Councillors welcomed the reforms to Britain’s relationship with the EU and said that a vote to leave would end the UK’s ability to make or influence further reforms in the future. The motion endorsed the principle that staying in the EU is in the long-term benefit of Camden’s community.

Recently the Chancellor has published a report entitled 'HM Treasury analysis: the longterm economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives'. This sets out an assessment by the Treasury of the economic impacts of leaving the EU and compares other models the UK might pursue if it were to leave. It concludes that GDP would be lower, with consequent impacts on households and lower tax receipts. It also discusses the next stage of development of the Single Market, with a focus on bringing down the remaining barriers to trade in services, energy and digital, alongside completing major on-going trade deals.

Camden Council’s own analysis highlights the uncertainty to Camden’s economy and public services should the UK leave the EU.

Businesses wishing to take a more active role can get more information from the CBI.

Camden Council wants to make sure that everyone who is eligible to vote can have their say in the EU referendum on 23 June 2016. You can register to vote up until 7 June 2016. If you are going to be away from home on 23 June, you can also apply for a postal vote or a proxy vote.

Registering to vote is quick and easy. You just need your national insurance number, date of birth and address to hand