
Take a stand against scams

Scams are schemes to con you out of your money - via the post, email, phone, text message or someone turning up on your doorstep.

You can protect yourself by spotting the signs and following these guidelines:

  • Say no to unwanted or uninvited callers. Neither the bank nor the police will ever attend your home to collect cash, PIN numbers, bank cards or chequebooks.
  • Keep your personal details safe. Scammers may pretend to be police, bank or enforcement officials on the telephone or on your doorstep. Never give your bank account details to someone you don’t know. Your bank will never ask you for your PIN number or full password.
  • Be online savvy. Never email your financial information, even if you know the person you are emailing.
  • Be wise to rogue traders. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Never feel pressurised to make a decision. Say no or say you need to take advice first.
  • Be wise to postal scams. No legal company will ask for money to claim a prize.
  • Research the credentials of the company. Be certain they are not bogus.
  • Talk to someone you can trust if you are suspicious.
  • Report a scam. Help expose the criminals.
  • Know you are not alone. Anyone can be a victim - report it and get the right support.

Find out more:

  • Visit
  • Contact Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline: 03454 04 05 06
  • To report scams, contact Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040
  • In an emergency: call 999.