
St Aloysius Catholic Primary School - notice to close the school

The governing body of St Aloysius Catholic Primary School has been consulting on the possibility of closing the school on or after 31 December 2019. Last night (Thursday, 6 June) the governors decided to publish a statutory notice to close the school, with the agreement of the RC Diocese of Westminster.

The reason for the proposal to close the school is:

  • a fall in the number of children joining the school, leading to over 40% of the school’s places being unfilled in 2018/19
  • fewer school age children in the local area, reflected in Camden’s ‘live births’ data 2005/6 to 2016/17
  • 421 actual primary school places from reception to Year 6 were unfilled within the local Planning Area in 2018/19.

Further information is in the ‘2018 Annual School Places Planning Report’. The period of representation runs for four weeks, until 4pm on Friday 5 July 2019. You can respond by writing to the governing body at the school or by emailing [email protected] 

A report on any representations received will be made to Councillor Angela Mason, Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families, at a single member decision meeting on 18 July 2019.