
Help shape the future of Camden

By taking part in the Local Plan consultation you can have your say and influence planning policies, which we use to decide the look and feel of the borough.

When finalised, the Local Plan will be the basis for planning decisions and future development in Camden.

Significant changes are taking place in Camden and London, with population growth and increasing demand for homes, jobs and facilities. Our planning policies are key to making sure that residents benefit from this growth and that development contributes to healthy, sustainable communities.Over the last year we have carried out engagement with residents and businesses. Using the feedback received, we propose to:

  • Continue to have a negotiating target of 50% affordable homes
  • Protect existing business premises unless redevelopment can better meet economic and employment objectives and other priorities
  • Make policy on basements as strong as possible, for example by limiting them to one storey deep
  • Extend requirements for car parking-free development to new housing and businesses throughout the borough.
  • Continue to protect resident's quality of life, for example in terms of noise, privacy and light.


Find out more

Tell us what you think

You can view the draft Local Plan in full on our website and give us your views by 17 April 2015 at [email protected]

We will consider the comments made, make appropriate amendments and then consult on a further draft of the plan later in 2015. The draft will be submitted to the government for public examination by a Planning Inspector in early 2016.

You can also quickly give us your view on a number of key issues via:

Camden Council is consulting on the draft Local Plan until 17 April 2015.