London ,

Camden's employment profile - 2014/15 results

Camden Council has today (March 10) published the results of the Annual Employment Profile analysis for 2014/15, becoming the first local authority in the UK to independently do so.

The Camden Annual Employment Profile provides an analysis of the size and makeup of the workforce and other aspects of recruitment and employment in relation to age, disability, ethnic origin and gender, as well as religion or belief and sexual orientation.

The total number of staff employed by Camden during the period was 4359, which is decreasing year-on year, and significantly down from 5238 in 2009/10 as part of Camden’s continual drive to become a more efficient organisation.

Camden became the first organisation in the country to independently publish data on the gender pay gap in the organisation in October last year.

Leader of the Council Sarah Hayward said: “The results of the survey were generally very positive and showed Camden has a thriving workforce from a diverse range of backgrounds, and that we don’t have significant pay gaps in our organisation based on gender, ethnicity or disability.

“The profile shows us that our overall workforce demographic is still changing very slowly with the workforce aging, and increasingly drawn from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds.

“The survey results also identified areas where we need to be focussing additional effort to help increase representation amount specific groups and age ranges, for example increasing the number of staff in the organisation with a declared disability.”

Key Findings of the survey showed:

  • In terms of overall representation, Camden Council has a higher proportion of staff from BME backgrounds than the proportion in the borough population. However, a more detailed breakdown shows that some groups, e.g. staff from Asian backgrounds are underrepresented.
  • Women tended to start their employment at Camden on higher grades than males. Women were more likely to start on the middle grades and less likely to start on the lower grades. There was relatively little difference at higher grades.
  • As of 31st March 2015 there were a total of 66 apprenticeships working for Camden Council, up from 51 in 2013/14. The number of apprenticeships in Camden Council is gradually increasing with 50 apprentices starting in 2014/15, 34 apprentices starting in 2013/14 and 13 in 2012/13.
  • Camden Council has an older age profile than Camden borough or the London working age population. 3% of Camden Council’s workforce is 16-24 years compared to 17% of the working age population of Camden.
  • Starters were relatively young compared to the current Camden Council workforce. The average age of starters was 35.5 years compared to 44 years for the current workforce. 55% of all new starters were under the age of 35. 20% of starters were 16-24 years compared to 3% of the current workforce.
  • The percentage of staff with a declared disability is 3.3% of the workforce and has not significantly changed since 2013/14 (3.4%).

Councillor Hayward added:

"The Council continues to take steps to promote openness and transparency so that both our staff and residents can hold us to account on key issues.

“Our commitment to continued transparency is demonstrated in this year’s employment profile, which provides a high level of detail and analysis of data than is the standard across local authorities.

"We want to constantly challenge ourselves to achieve the best possible representation within our workforce at all grades and parts of the organisation.”

“We are pleased to see positive development within some areas, yet there is always room for improvement.”

You can view the full results here.