
Are you renting, or looking for a home to rent?

A third of Camden households live in privately rented homes. We want those people to have security, decent living conditions and to feel able to assert their rights.

There have been some recent changes to the regulations which affect letting agents. Agents now have to clearly display their fees and charges, and they have to be a member of a redress scheme - so that their customers can complain if something goes wrong. We can take action against letting agents who don’t comply with the law.

On Monday 19 October we'll be holding a live Q&A on Twitter, with Councillor Patricia Callaghan, Camden's Cabinet Member for Housing. We’ll be answering any questions you may have about letting agents - on topics like deposits, fees and what to do if you have a problem with an agent.

To join in, follow the @camdentalking Twitter feed, or use the hashtag #fairlettings.